Doff 1L RTU Lawn Weedkiller Spray

Introducing the Doff 1L Lawn Weedkiller RTU Spray, your efficient lawn care solution. Specially formulated, this weedkiller selectively eliminates weeds whilst leaving your grass unharmed. It specifically targets typical lawn weeds, including dandelions, daisies, white clover, buttercups, and yarrow, delivering excellent results with each application. Offering ease-of-use, this weedkiller comes in a handy ready-to-use spray bottle, effortlessly enabling you to spot treat individual weeds or larger infested areas. Simply apply when the weeds are present and actively growing, typically from late spring until early autumn to enjoy optimal effectiveness. This 1L capacity weedkiller provides abundant coverage, catering to up to 50m² of lawn, making it a cost-effective addition to your garden maintenance arsenal. It has been folded with active ingredients Mecoprop-P and Dicamba, specifically targeting broad-leafed weeds, aiding you in maintaining a pristine and healthy lawn. Take note that this product is not suited to lawns less than six months old. Comfortably safe for families and pets, once the weedkiller has dried, they can safely enjoy the lawn without any worry.

size1 Litre

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