Doff Wool & Moss Hanging Basket Liner

Experience the simplicity and efficacy of Doff Wool & Moss Hanging Basket Liner. Designed to naturally enhance the beauty and health of your hanging baskets or pots, this versatile liner has been expertly crafted to mould into any shape you desire. Its user-friendly design makes fitting it to any container a breeze, eliminating the need for any complicated installations or adjustments.

What sets our liner apart is its impressive ability to absorb and retain water. Save yourself the hassle of frequent watering and enjoy healthier, well-hydrated plants. The liner maximises water usage by retaining excess water and gradually releasing it, ensuring that your plants receive the right amount at the right time.

Furthermore, the Doff Wool & Moss Hanging Basket Liner doubles up as a fantastic insulation solution for plant roots. By providing a constant blanket of protection, our liner ensures your plants remain perfectly insulated and protected against temperature fluctuations, guaranteeing optimal plant health and growth.


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